80/20 rule for success

The 80/20 rule – the most important rule of success

Today, I will present a very simple 80/20 rule, which makes it easier to succeed and achieve your goals. The 80/20 rule will help you understand why some people achieve their goals with great efficiency while others fail. It is common to observe that certain individuals effortlessly achieve success in everything they pursue. What is the root cause for this and what is the key to success?

This blog post answers the following questions:

  • What is the 80/20 rule and how does it relate to success and achieving goals?
  • Why do many people hesitate to start or give up at the beginning, despite easy access to knowledge?
  • How does the 80/20 rule emphasize the importance of attitude and long-term thinking in achieving success?
  • What role does taking action and focusing on a goal for an extended period play in achieving success, particularly in industries like Amazon?
  • How does the combination of a correct approach, knowledge, and consistent work lead to success in any industry?


My conclusions are based on my example and on the example of people who start their business adventure on Amazon. If you start your online business (or any other business), unfortunately our knowledge is very limited and you always have to learn a lot to succeed. Let’s just say you want to publish a book and you don’t know how to do it. It is not easy, but you are able to acquire such knowledge and act.

The 80/20 rule

You can gain access to knowledge easily. You can look for information on the Internet, you can buy books and courses online — but since access to knowledge is so easy these days, why are most people afraid to start or give up right at the beginning?

The 80/20 rule says that only 20% of your success is knowledge and 80% is attitude. Without proper knowledge, you will not be able to achieve what you want — that is a fact. However, your approach is an even more important part of the process of achieving goals and dreams. I know a lot of people who watch movies and take different coursesHowever, not many of these people have the right approach and they are unable, for example, to work persistently for 6 months and to use the knowledge acquired.

The 80/20 rule — what counts is your attitude + knowledge

I repeat to participants of my courses that, in addition to acquiring knowledge, it is very important to act and to think long-term. To succeed in any industry (including Amazon), you need to act and focus on your goal for a selected period of time. From watching movies, reading books or taking courses only, you won’t make money. If you want to be successful, for example by publishing products on Amazon, you need to spend at least a few months and focus very much on this process. Everyone knows that to lose weight it is enough to eat with moderation and move more. Knowing something is one thing, but taking action is a completely different matter.

I can tell you that knowledge and work for a few months is enough to ensure a simple passive income on Amazon. It is best to look at it even more long-term. But how many people can trust this process and really stick to work? Most people will say it’s not for them and they will look for another miraculous way that does not exist. This is why cryptocurrencies have become so popular — people expected a big profit without effort.

Success is in the head

If your approach is correct and supported by knowledge, you can be successful in any industry. If your beliefs are realistic and you understand that you need to work systematically, you are on track. Let’s not be fooled, there is no such thing as a shortcut. I recently received feedback from one of my students — she said she learned to create her first simple products thanks to my course and it’s getting better and better. This is only the beginning for her and I am sure that within a few months she will make the Amazon product pool bigger and be more and more successful. While another person gave up after several days because she thought it was too difficult for her. Both had access to the same knowledge and their success was determined by their approach.

However, most fears are held by people who are afraid to invest even a small amount of money and their time — they agonize over dozens of details and claim that they are unable to release their product, open their business and reach for their dreams. Once you apply the 80/20 rule, you’ll understand you can learn by everything on the fly during the process. It’s only your approach that prevents you from giving up, and makes you move forward and succeed in every area of your live.


The 80/20 rule – the most important rule of success — watch the video

00:00:00,440 –> 00:00:04,199
Hi, I’m Tomek.
From Waiter To Millionaire. Welcome.

00:00:04,200 –> 00:00:07,886
Today, I’ll tell you
about the 80/20 rule –

00:00:07,887 –> 00:00:15,260
the one which will help you
achieve plans, goals and dreams.

00:00:15,261 –> 00:00:18,743
Want to know the rule? Watch this video.

00:00:24,200 –> 00:00:29,114
I’m in Kraków again. This time
there’s a skyline in the background.

00:00:29,115 –> 00:00:32,940
Today, I want to tell you
about the 80/20 rule.

00:00:32,960 –> 00:00:37,857
Very cool rule which opened my eyes.
But why I want to talk about it?

00:00:37,858 –> 00:00:43,800
As I get the first comments
regarding my selling course on Amazon

00:00:43,800 –> 00:00:50,479
and people write to me, comment, etc.,
I’ve received a message from two people.

00:00:50,480 –> 00:00:55,514
One of them, who bought my course,
decided to cancel after a few days,

00:00:55,515 –> 00:00:58,980
writing that they won’t make it,
as it’s too hard

00:00:59,000 –> 00:01:01,020
and don’t want to continue.

00:01:01,040 –> 00:01:04,670
The other person
also wrote to me after a few days,

00:01:04,671 –> 00:01:09,759
being very thankful, claiming that
the course contains great knowledge

00:01:09,760 –> 00:01:16,213
and that they released the first products,
but is still learning, that it’s a start

00:01:16,214 –> 00:01:18,410
and it’ll only get better.

00:01:18,440 –> 00:01:23,886
These two people, who received
the same amount of knowledge from me –

00:01:23,887 –> 00:01:28,614
or from anyone else,
as it’s just an example of this rule

00:01:28,615 –> 00:01:35,499
which I’ll tell you about –
one of them resigned, totally gave up,

00:01:35,500 –> 00:01:40,914
while the other one is overjoyed,
already achieved first successes

00:01:40,915 –> 00:01:43,900
and is set on the right path.

00:01:43,901 –> 00:01:46,929
This fact provides food for thought.

00:01:46,930 –> 00:01:52,413
Now, talking about the 80/20 rule –
when it comes to your successes,

00:01:52,414 –> 00:01:56,570
tasks that you do,
no matter whether it’s your company,

00:01:56,571 –> 00:02:02,599
online or normal business, your job,
private life, health, emotions, etc.,

00:02:02,600 –> 00:02:08,439
but 20% of your success is knowledge
and 80% is your psychology.

00:02:08,440 –> 00:02:11,886
Knowledge can be acquired easily
from the books,

00:02:11,887 –> 00:02:16,380
YouTube, the Internet, experts –
everyone can get knowledge.

00:02:16,400 –> 00:02:21,170
However, 80% of your success
in anything lies in psychology,

00:02:21,200 –> 00:02:25,800
because one person with
the same knowledge will give up,

00:02:25,801 –> 00:02:30,380
switch to something else
of their liking, etc.

00:02:30,400 –> 00:02:35,457
At the same time, other people
will pursue their goals, plans

00:02:35,458 –> 00:02:40,829
and – even without this knowledge –
they will just act.

00:02:40,830 –> 00:02:45,343
Even with a lack of knowledge,
their psychology will help them

00:02:45,344 –> 00:02:48,757
to gain this knowledge
and they won’t be afraid.

00:02:48,758 –> 00:02:52,610
People write to me
that they don’t know this or that –

00:02:52,611 –> 00:02:57,299
people who even didn’t buy my course,
but it doesn’t matter –

00:02:57,300 –> 00:03:02,359
and they won’t act,
because they have too little information.

00:03:02,360 –> 00:03:04,686
Psychology is the key here.

00:03:04,687 –> 00:03:09,757
Yes, you should gain knowledge
from various sources and act,

00:03:09,758 –> 00:03:15,199
because knowledge enables you
to achieve our goals easier and quicker.

00:03:15,200 –> 00:03:18,543
Maybe you won’t give up,
but without psychology

00:03:18,544 –> 00:03:21,200
you’ll be afraid to do anything.

00:03:21,201 –> 00:03:25,656
Thanks to a proper approach,
you’ll search for this knowledge

00:03:25,657 –> 00:03:28,700
and lack of it won’t stand in your way.

00:03:28,701 –> 00:03:33,742
Remember that you should act.
If you don’t know something – calm down.

00:03:33,743 –> 00:03:38,585
You’ll gain knowledge and achieve goals
through work and persistence.

00:03:38,586 –> 00:03:43,613
I know a lot of people who
commented on my channel, my job

00:03:43,614 –> 00:03:50,171
that Facebook is changing algorithms,
that I did YouTube channel wrongly, etc.

00:03:50,172 –> 00:03:53,900
It’s easy to watch YouTube,
attend a course and then

00:03:53,901 –> 00:03:57,614
boast about your knowledge,
but the key is to act.

00:03:57,615 –> 00:04:01,743
Act, gain knowledge
and don’t worry about lack of it –

00:04:01,744 –> 00:04:06,086
it’s better than boasting about it,
as what is it worth

00:04:06,087 –> 00:04:11,119
to read a book or watch a movie
about gym if we won’t move our ass?

00:04:11,120 –> 00:04:16,900
It’s better to go for a walk than to be
an expert on exercising and do nothing.

00:04:16,901 –> 00:04:22,260
A half-an-hour walk is more useful
than being the biggest sport expert.

00:04:22,261 –> 00:04:27,043
Remember that your attitude
and psychology matter the most.

00:04:27,044 –> 00:04:31,343
You can gain or buy knowledge,
but without psychology

00:04:31,344 –> 00:04:33,686
you won’t achieve anything.

00:04:33,687 –> 00:04:37,557
What matters is your attitude,
long-term perspective,

00:04:37,558 –> 00:04:39,800
persistence and regularity.

00:04:39,801 –> 00:04:43,214
That’s what I want to convey
through my videos –

00:04:43,215 –> 00:04:46,929
don’t give up, try until
you’ve made it, set goals.

00:04:46,930 –> 00:04:52,557
If you have a goal, stick to it
for a half a year, one year or years.

00:04:52,558 –> 00:04:56,529
Don’t give up once you fail,
as you’ll fail at the start,

00:04:56,530 –> 00:05:02,929
but you’ll learn from these failures
and your psychology – 80% of success –

00:05:02,930 –> 00:05:08,420
will allow you to persist, stick to it
and you’ll be able to achieve anything.

00:05:08,421 –> 00:05:12,557
If you’ve liked this video,
subscribe and give thumbs up.

00:05:12,558 –> 00:05:17,420
I invite you to my channel.
There’s a new video every Friday.

00:05:17,440 –> 00:05:19,860
Thanks a lot and see you next week.

00:05:19,880 –> 00:05:21,660
Greetings from Kraków.

00:05:21,680 –> 00:05:24,670
I’m fleeing as the storm’s approaching.

00:05:24,671 –> 00:05:28,985
I want to record more videos
and not be struck by lightning.

00:05:28,986 –> 00:05:31,000
Thanks, see you, bye!

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